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Старый 10.01.2012, 13:21   #2381
Kenneth MacAlpin
The famous nagger
Регистрация: 17.07.2009
Адрес: "Мой адрес не дом и не улица, мой адрес - Советский Союз!" Организация:"Law Society of Scotland"
Сообщений: 2,488
Нация: Англия
Пол: Мужской
Офицеры Корабли
Репутация: 236

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По умолчанию Re: Технические вопросы К:ГПК

Сообщение от Август Посмотреть сообщение
Выложите, пожалуйста,
Август, я что-то не очень понял - это "глас вопиющего в пустыне" ? Если да, то подожди немного. У меня д.б. не тронутый RESOURCE.

; This file contained all used into interface images info

wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512
picture = England,256,256,320,320
picture = Spain,320,256,384,320
picture = France,384,256,448,320
picture = Holland,448,256,512,320
picture = Pirate,0,384,64,448
picture = Flow,384,384,448,448
picture = Quest,0,128,64,192
picture = Task,64,128,128,192

sTextureName = ..\BATTLE_INTERFACE\pers_nations.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = England,0,0,64,64
picture = Holland,64,0,128,64
picture = Spain,128,0,192,64
picture = France,192,0,256,64
picture = Pirate,256,0,320,64

sTextureName = alco\alcohol.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = alcohol1,0,0,64,64
picture = alcohol2,64,0,128,64
picture = alcohol3,128,0,192,64
picture = alcohol4,192,0,256,64

sTextureName = hull_upgrade1.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = hull,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = hull_upgrade2.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = hull,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = hull_upgrade3.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = hull,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = sails_upgrade1.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = sails,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = sails_upgrade2.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = sails,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = sails_upgrade3.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = sails,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = cannons\cannon1.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 256
picture = cannons1,0,0,64,64
picture = cannons2,64,0,128,64
picture = cannons3,128,0,192,64
picture = cannons4,192,0,256,64
picture = cannons5,0,64,64,128
picture = cannons6,64,64,128,128
picture = cannons7,128,64,192,128
picture = cannons8,192,64,256,128
picture = cannons9,0,128,64,192
picture = cannons10,64,128,128,192
picture = cannons11,128,128,192,192
picture = cannons12,192,128,256,192
picture = cannons13,0,192,64,256

sTextureName = cannons\cannon2.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 256
picture = cannons1,0,0,64,64
picture = cannons2,64,0,128,64
picture = cannons3,128,0,192,64
picture = cannons4,192,0,256,64
picture = cannons5,0,64,64,128
picture = cannons6,64,64,128,128
picture = cannons7,128,64,192,128
picture = cannons8,192,64,256,128
picture = cannons9,0,128,64,192
picture = cannons10,64,128,128,192
picture = cannons11,128,128,192,192
picture = cannons12,192,128,256,192
picture = cannons13,0,192,64,256

sTextureName = cannons\cannon3.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 256
picture = cannons1,0,0,64,64
picture = cannons2,64,0,128,64
picture = cannons3,128,0,192,64
picture = cannons4,192,0,256,64
picture = cannons5,0,64,64,128
picture = cannons6,64,64,128,128
picture = cannons7,128,64,192,128
picture = cannons8,192,64,256,128
picture = cannons9,0,128,64,192
picture = cannons10,64,128,128,192
picture = cannons11,128,128,192,192
picture = cannons12,192,128,256,192
picture = cannons13,0,192,64,256

sTextureName = tabs.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = TabSelected,0,0,101,25
picture = TabDeSelected,0,25,101,50

sTextureName = title.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = Center,64,0,192,64
picture = Left,0,0,64,64
picture = tile,256,0,512,64

sTextureName = questbook.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = JOURNAL,0,0,195,151
picture = RUMOURS,196,0,390,151
picture = NATIONS,0,154,195,305
picture = TRADEBOOK,196,154,390,312

sTextureName = cancelbutton.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = cancel_button,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = main_characters.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = Blaze,0,0,256,511
picture = Beatrice,256,0,512,511

sTextureName = nations.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = Spain,0,0,128,128
picture = Pirate,128,0,256,128
picture = Holland,256,0,384,128
picture = France,384,0,512,128
picture = England,512,0,640,128

sTextureName = main_icons.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 256

picture = Hull1,192,0,224,32
picture = Hull2,224,0,256,32
picture = Hull3,192,32,224,64
picture = Rigging1,224,32,256,64
picture = Rigging2,192,64,224,96
picture = Rigging3,224,64,256,96
picture = Copper,192,96,224,128
picture = Bronze,224,96,256,128
picture = Iron,192,128,224,160

sTextureName = upgrades.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = Fort1,0,0,135,100
picture = Fort2,0,0,135,100
picture = Fort3,135,0,270,100
picture = Fort4,270,0,405,100
picture = Shipyard1,405,0,540,100
picture = Shipyard2,405,0,540,100
picture = Shipyard3,540,0,675,100
picture = Shipyard4,675,0,810,100
picture = Wheatfield,810,0,945,100

picture = Fishingpier,0,100,135,200
picture = Mill,135,100,270,200
picture = Church,270,100,405,200
picture = Huts,405,100,540,200
picture = Academy,540,100,675,200
picture = Storehouse,675,100,810,200
picture = Expedition,810,100,945,200

picture = Silvermines,0,200,135,300
picture = Goldmines,135,200,270,300

sTextureName = mainback.tga
wTextureWidth = 2048
wTextureHeight = 2048

picture = mainback,0,0,2048,2048

sTextureName = colony_destiny.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = rob_colony,0,0,149,399
picture = destroy_colony,151,0,301,399
picture = capture_colony,302,0,451,399

sTextureName = skills.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 256

picture = accuracy,0,0,64,64
picture = leadership,64,0,128,64
picture = gun,128,0,192,64
picture = fencing,192,0,256,64

picture = defence,0,64,64,128
picture = cannons,64,64,128,128
picture = repair,128,64,192,128
picture = grappling,192,64,256,128

picture = commerce,0,128,64,192
picture = luck,64,128,128,192
picture = navigation,128,128,192,192
picture = tactic,192,128,256,192

picture = accuracy_small,0,192,32,224
picture = leadership_small,32,192,64,224
picture = gun_small,64,192,96,224
picture = fencing_small,96,192,128,224
picture = defence_small,128,192,160,224
picture = cannons_small,160,192,192,224
picture = repair_small,192,192,224,224
picture = grappling_small,224,192,256,224

picture = commerce_small,0,224,32,256
picture = luck_small,32,224,64,256
picture = navigation_small,64,224,96,256
picture = tactic_small,224,224,256,256

picture = skillborder,105,224,224,256

sTextureName = main_icons.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 256

picture = Level,0,96,32,128

picture = Holland,0,128,32,160
picture = Smugglers,32,128,64,160
picture = Pirate,0,160,32,192
picture = England,32,160,64,192
picture = Spain,0,192,32,224
picture = France,32,192,64,224
picture = select_nation,32,223,64,255

picture = BORDER,64,0,192,128

picture = left side button,256,32,303,64
picture = middle side button,303,32,402,64
picture = select middle side button,303,64,402,96
picture = select left side button,256,64,303,96

picture = left side button2,287,32,303,64
picture = select left side button2,287,64,303,96

picture = left_button3,416,32,430,64
picture = select_left_button3,416,64,430,96

picture = right_button3,434,64,448,96
picture = select_right_button3,434,32,448,64

picture = check_no,448,32,480,64
picture = check_yes,448,64,480,96
picture = check_cancel,544,96,576,128

picture = plus,481,32,496,48
picture = minus,480,48,495,64
picture = bigplus,497,32,513,48
picture = bigminus,496,48,512,64

picture = repairb,480,64,512,96
picture = exchange,512,64,544,96
picture = upgrade,512,32,544,64
picture = capture,512,96,544,128
picture = raise,512,96,544,128

picture = leadership,192,0,224,32
picture = fencing,224,0,256,32
picture = gun,192,32,224,64
picture = navigation,224,32,256,64
picture = tactic,224,32,256,64
picture = cannons,192,64,224,96
picture = grappling,224,64,256,96
picture = repair,192,96,224,128
picture = defence,224,96,256,128
picture = commerce,192,128,224,160
picture = luck,224,128,256,160
picture = accuracy,0,224,32,256

picture = skillborder,260,0,383,32
picture = skillborder_green,256,96,383,128
picture = skillborder_silver,383,96,511,128
picture = skillup button,416,0,448,32

picture = BORDER_UPLEFT,192,160,210,178
picture = BORDER_LEFT,192,189,202,201
picture = BORDER_DOWNLEFT,192,239,210,256
picture = BORDER_CENTER,222,160,236,170
picture = BORDER_UPRIGHT,734,160,752,178
picture = BORDER_DOWNRIGHT,734,239,752,256

picture = upbutton,448,0,480,16
picture = downbutton,448,16,480,32

picture = exit button,720,128,752,160
picture = back,544,0,672,128
picture = Center,573,128,712,160
picture = Left,566,128,573,160
picture = tile,256,128,566,160

sTextureName = net\TeamIcons.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = no_team,0,0,48,48
picture = team0,48,0,96,48
picture = team1,96,0,144,48
picture = team2,144,0,192,48
picture = team3,192,0,240,48

sTextureName = net\CheckIcons.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = check_yes,0,0,48,48
picture = check_no,48,0,96,48
picture = check_yes_no_choice,96,0,144,48
picture = check_empty,144,0,192,48

sTextureName = papirus_big.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 1024

picture = papirus_characters_character,0,0,210,282
picture = papirus_characters_perks,0,0,276,258
picture = papirus_characters_reputation,0,0,274,254
picture = papirus_characters_perks_add,0,0,418,664
picture = papirus_characters_list,0,0,180,638
picture = papirus_characters_skills,0,0,248,549
picture = papirus_store_goods,0,0,141,437
picture = papirus_store_ship,0,0,189,360
picture = papirus_store_ships_list,0,0,180,689
picture = papirus_store_price,0,0,432,435
picture = papirus_store_buy_sell,0,0,430,161
picture = papirus_info,0,0,810,104
picture = papirus_character_remove_officer,0,0,506,165
picture = papirus_ship_additional_info,0,0,540,350
picture = papirus_ship_cargo_hold,0,0,290,250
picture = papirus_ship_goods_list,0,0,120,250
picture = papirus_ships_character,0,0,260,290
picture = papirus_ship_goods_management,0,0,420,85
picture = papirus_ship_ship_management,0,0,420,210
picture = papirus_ship_discrad_goods,0,0,320,160
picture = papirus_ship_exchange_goods,0,0,310,410
picture = papirus_map_colony_list,0,0,157,695
picture = papirus_map_colony_info,0,0,180,695
picture = papirus_map_small_info,0,0,619,90
picture = papirus_hireofficer_character,0,0,263,612
picture = papirus_hireofficer_info,0,0,730,85
picture = papirus_hireofficer_back,0,0,612,519
picture = papirus_choose_character,0,0,262,222
picture = papirus_choose_nation,0,0,355,120
picture = papirus_choose_flag,0,0,145,120
picture = papirus_choose_nation_descr,0,0,560,500
picture = papirus_capture_colony,0,0,323,313
picture = papirus_colonies_build,0,0,538,522
picture = papirus_net_fgserverslist,20,50,187,300
picture = papirus_net_fgserverslist2,201,50,520,300
picture = papirus_net_fguserprofile,20,342,520,580
picture = papirus_net_fgserverinfo,540,50,780,440
picture = papirus_net_fgserverinfo_map,0,0,128,128
picture = papirus_net_buyplayers_name,20,50,315,316
picture = papirus_net_buyplayers_other,329,50,520,316
picture = papirus_net_buybuy,20,342,520,580
picture = papirus_net_buyserverinfo,540,50,780,440
picture = papirus_net_buyserverinfo_map,0,0,128,128
picture = papirus_net_cgsettings,120,50,680,550
picture = papirus_choose_profile,0,0,280,74
picture = papirus_choose_WorldSettings,0,0,280,330
picture = papirus_choose_GameSettings,0,0,231,369
picture = papirus_choose_OkBack,0,0,231,50
picture = papirus_confirm_build,0,0,400,400
picture = papirus_info,0,0,400,160
picture = papirus_shipyard_main, 0, 0, 460, 500
picture = shipyard_papirus_message, 0, 0, 300, 150
picture = papirus_saveload, 0, 0, 1014, 430
picture = papirus_main_menu,0,0,365,401
picture = papirus_upgrade_prescie,0,0,320,421
picture = papirus_upgrade,0,0,320,203
picture = papirus_map,0,0,310,245
picture = papirus_abordage_ears,0,0,210,370
picture = papirus_abordage,0,0,475,455
picture = papirus_ship_thin_strip,0,100,398,32
picture = papirus_date_back,0,0,160,120
picture = papirus_papermap_info,0,0,400,330

sTextureName = papirus_big.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 1024
picture = papirus big,0,0,1024,1024

sTextureName = blank_ship.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = Not Used,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = blank_ship2.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = Not Used2,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = checkbtn.tga
wTextureWidth = 32
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = check_yes,0,0,32,32
picture = check_no,0,32,32,64

sTextureName = icons.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 256

picture = transp,200,64,201,64
; ship pictures list
picture = ship back,256,0,384,128

; cannon pictures list
picture = culverine back,0,0,128,128
picture = cannon back,0,0,128,128
picture = special cannon back,0,0,128,128

; controls pictures list
picture = left arrow,384,0,448,64
picture = right arrow,448,0,512,64
picture = large title,0,128,384,160
picture = small title,0,128,384,160
picture = left side title,0,128,24,160
picture = middle side title,24,128,360,160
picture = select border,128,0,256,128
picture = border angle,384,64,400,80
picture = border line,400,64,512,80
picture = titleCenter,352,160,384,192
picture = titleMedium,288,160,352,192
picture = titleTiled,128,160,288,192
;picture = left side button,0,128,24,160
;picture = middle side button,24,128,360,160
;picture = select middle side button,24,128,360,160
picture = status line filled,384,80,512,88
picture = status line empty,384,88,512,96
picture = scrollbar,384,128,512,160
picture = select scrollbar,384,96,512,128
picture = black rectangle,384,160,512,192
picture = small left arrow,384,224,416,256
picture = small right arrow,448,224,480,256
picture = buy all,384,224,416,256
picture = sell all,448,224,480,256
picture = small border angle,384,64,400,80
picture = small border line,400,64,512,80
picture = exit button,416,192,448,224

picture = pluss,452,163,477,188

; other pictures list
picture = complete,64,160,96,192
picture = noncomplete,96,160,128,192

; ship parameters icons
picture = ship class icon,64,192,96,224
picture = ship hull icon,288,224,320,256
picture = ship speed icon,128,224,160,256
picture = ship maneuver icon,96,224,128,256
picture = ship capacity icon,192,224,224,256
picture = ship max crew icon,320,224,352,256
picture = ship min crew icon,352,224,384,256
picture = ship cannons icon,224,224,256,256
picture = ship max caliber icon,256,224,288,256
picture = ship cost icon,448,192,480,224
picture = ship rig icon,480,192,512,224
picture = ship crew icon,416,224,448,256
picture = ship max hp icon,320,192,354,224

; character state icons
picture = current expirience icon,352,192,384,224
picture = next expirience icon,384,192,416,224
picture = money icon,448,192,480,224
picture = skill pointer icon,320,192,352,224
picture = health icon,480,224,512,256

; goods parameters icons
picture = weight icon,160,224,192,256
picture = buy price icon,448,192,480,224
picture = sell price icon,448,192,480,224

; character skill icons
picture = leadership skill icon,64,224,96,256
picture = fencing skill icon,32,192,64,224
picture = sailing skill icon,64,192,96,224
picture = accuracy skill icon,96,192,128,224
picture = cannons skill icon,128,192,160,224
picture = grappling skill icon,160,192,192,224
picture = repair skill icon,192,192,224,224
picture = deffence skill icon,224,192,256,224
picture = commerce skill icon,256,192,288,224
picture = sneak skill icon,288,192,320,224

sTextureName = empty_face.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = emptyface,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = singlecannon.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = singlecannon,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = crew.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = crew_small,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = faces.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = face1,0,0,128,128
picture = face2,128,0,256,128
picture = face3,256,0,384,128
picture = face4,384,0,512,128
picture = face5,512,0,640,128
picture = face6,640,0,768,128
picture = face7,768,0,896,128
picture = face8,896,0,1024,128
picture = face9,0,128,128,256
picture = face10,128,128,256,256
picture = face11,256,128,384,256
picture = face12,384,128,512,256
picture = face13,512,128,640,256
picture = face14,640,128,768,256
picture = face15,768,128,896,256
picture = face16,896,128,1024,256
picture = face17,0,256,128,384
picture = face18,128,256,256,384
picture = face19,256,256,384,384
picture = face20,384,256,512,384
picture = face21,512,256,640,384
picture = face22,640,256,768,384
picture = face23,768,256,896,384
picture = face24,896,256,1024,384
picture = face25,0,384,128,512
picture = face26,128,384,256,512
picture = face27,256,384,384,512
picture = face28,384,384,512,512
picture = face29,512,384,640,512
picture = face30,640,384,768,512
picture = face31,768,384,896,512
picture = face32,896,384,1024,512

sTextureName = cannons.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = culverine12,640,0,768,128
picture = culverine16,512,0,640,128
picture = culverine24,384,0,512,128
picture = cannon12,256,0,384,128
picture = cannon16,128,0,256,128
picture = cannon24,0,0,128,128
picture = cannon32,256,0,384,128
picture = cannon36,128,0,256,128
picture = cannon42,0,0,128,128
picture = cannon48,768,0,896,128

sTextureName = goods.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 1024

; goods pictures list
picture = Balls,128,256,256,384
picture = Grapes,256,256,384,384
picture = Knippels,512,256,640,384
picture = Bombs,384,256,512,384
picture = Sailcloth,256,128,384,256
picture = Planks,384,384,512,512
picture = Slaves,256,384,384,512
picture = Wheat,0,128,128,256
picture = Ebony,896,256,1024,384
picture = Chocolate,512,0,640,128
picture = Sugar,384,128,512,256
picture = Wine,768,0,896,128
picture = Linen,640,0,768,128
picture = Rum,128,128,256,256
picture = Tobacco,512,128,640,256
picture = Coffee,0,384,128,512
picture = Mahogany,768,256,896,384
picture = Cinnamon,640,256,768,384
picture = Copra,768,128,896,256
picture = Paprika,0,256,128,384
picture = Fruits,384,0,512,128
picture = Ale,128,0,256,128
picture = Oil,256,0,384,128
picture = Silk,896,0,1024,128
picture = Clothes,896,128,1024,256
picture = Cotton,0,0,128,128
picture = Sandal,128,384,256,512
picture = Leather,640,128,768,256
; boal -->
picture = Food,512,384,640,512
picture = Weapon,640,384,768,512
picture = Gold,768,384,896,512
picture = Silver,896,384,1024,512
picture = Powder,0,512,128,640
picture = Brick,128,512,256,640
picture = Medicament,256,512,384,640

picture = Cannon_12,384,512,512,640
picture = Cannon_16,512,512,640,640
picture = Cannon_24,640,512,768,640
picture = Cannon_32,768,512,896,640
;picture = Cannon36,896,512,1024,640
picture = Cannon_42,0,640,128,768
picture = Cannon_48,0,640,128,768
picture = Culverine_12,256,640,384,768
picture = Culverine_16,384,640,512,768
picture = Culverine_24,512,640,640,768
picture = Culverine_32,640,640,768,768
;boal <--

stextureName = morality.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = low morale,256,0,384,128
picture = medium morale,128,0,256,128
picture = high morale,0,0,128,128

stextureName = morality_small.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = low morale,128,0,192,64
picture = medium morale,64,0,128,64
picture = high morale,0,0,64,64

stextureName = Colonies.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 256

picture = Tortuga,0,0,64,64
picture = Stmartin,64,0,128,64
picture = Stkitts,128,0,192,64
picture = Steustatius,192,0,256,64
picture = Puertorico,0,64,64,128
picture = Nevis,0,64,64,128
picture = Montserrat,0,64,64,128
picture = Martinique,0,64,64,128
picture = Jamaica,0,128,64,192
picture = Hispaniola,0,128,64,192
picture = Guadeloupe,0,128,64,192
picture = Grenada,0,128,64,192
picture = Dominica,0,192,64,256
picture = Curacao,0,192,64,256
picture = Barbados,0,192,64,256
picture = Antigua,0,192,64,256

stextureName = ship_status.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = Hull,0,0,128,128
picture = Sails,128,0,256,128
picture = Cannons,256,0,384,128
picture = Crew,384,0,512,128

sTextureName = nations_2.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 128

; ship pictures list
picture = Smuggler,0,0,128,128
picture = Spain,128,0,256,128

sTextureName = nations_4.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = Pirate,0,0,128,128
picture = England,128,0,256,128
picture = Holland,256,0,384,128
picture = France,384,0,512,128

sTextureName = nations_small_all
picture = Spain,0,0,32,32
picture = Smuggler,32,0,64,32
picture = France,64,0,96,32
picture = England,96,0,128,32
picture = Holland,128,0,160,32
picture = Pirate,160,0,192,32

sTextureName = relations icons.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 128

; ship pictures list
picture = Enemy,0,0,128,128
picture = Friend,128,0,256,128
picture = Neutral,256,0,384,128

sTextureName = CorruptSave.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128

picture = corruptsave,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = items_empty.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = empty,0,0,128,128

wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = blade1,0,0,128,128
picture = blade2,128,0,256,128
picture = blade3,256,0,384,128
picture = blade4,384,0,512,128
picture = blade5,512,0,640,128
picture = blade6,0,128,128,256
picture = blade7,128,128,256,256
picture = blade8,256,128,384,256
picture = blade9,384,128,512,256
picture = blade10,512,128,640,256
picture = blade11,0,256,128,384
picture = blade12,128,256,256,384
picture = blade13,256,256,384,384
picture = blade14,384,256,512,384
picture = blade15,512,256,640,384
picture = blade16,0,384,128,512
picture = blade17,128,384,256,512
picture = blade18,256,384,384,512
picture = blade19,384,384,512,512
picture = blade20,512,384,640,512
picture = gun1,640,0,768,128
picture = gun2,768,0,896,128
picture = gun3,640,128,768,256
picture = gun4,768,128,896,256
picture = gun5,640,256,768,384
picture = gun6,768,256,896,384
picture = gun7,640,384,768,512
picture = spyglass1,896,0,1024,128
picture = spyglass2,896,128,1024,256
picture = spyglass3,896,256,1024,384
picture = spyglass4,896,384,1024,512

sTextureName = usedflag.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = usedflag,0,0,128,128

wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 256
picture = minimap,0,0,256,256

sTextureName = SwapItem.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = swapitem,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = ExchangeButtons.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = OneUp,0,0,64,64
picture = OneDown,64,0,128,64
picture = AllUp,128,0,192,64
picture = AllDown,192,0,256,64

sTextureName = SkullButton.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = AztecSkull,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = BoxImage.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = BoxImage,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = BuySellFlags.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = buy,0,64,64,128
picture = sell,192,64,256,128

sTextureName = ships\empty_ship.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\tartane.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\wartartane.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\lugger.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\sloop.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\schooner.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\barque.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\caravel.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\barkentine.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\brigantine.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\fleut.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\brig.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\galeon_l.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\corvette.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\galeon_h.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\pinnace.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\frigate.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\lineship.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\warship.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\battleship.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\manowar.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\manowar.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\brigQeen.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\brigSW.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\XebekVML.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\corvette_quest.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\ArabellaShip.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = ships\flyingdutchman.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = ship,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_0.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_1.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_2.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_3.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_4.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_5.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_6.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_7.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_8.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_9.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_10.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_11.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_12.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_13.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_14.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_15.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_16.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_17.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_18.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_19.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_20.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_21.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_22.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_23.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_24.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_25.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_26.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_27.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_28.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_29.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_30.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_31.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_32.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_33.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_34.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_35.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_36.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_37.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_38.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_39.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_40.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_41.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_42.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_43.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_44.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_45.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_46.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_47.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_48.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_49.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_50.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_51.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_52.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_53.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_54.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_55.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_56.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_57.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_58.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_59.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_60.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_61.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_62.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_63.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_64.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_65.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_66.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_67.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_68.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_69.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_70.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_71.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_72.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_73.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_74.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_75.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_76.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_77.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_78.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_79.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_80.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_81.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_82.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_83.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_84.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_85.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_86.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_87.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_88.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_89.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_90.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_91.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_92.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_93.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_94.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_95.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_96.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_97.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_98.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_99.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_100.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_101.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_102.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_103.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_104.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_105.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_106.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_107.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_108.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_109.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_110.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_111.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_112.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_113.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_114.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_115.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_116.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_117.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_118.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_119.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_120.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_121.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_122.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_123.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_124.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_125.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_126.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_127.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_128.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_129.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_130.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_131.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_132.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_133.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_134.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_135.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_136.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_137.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_138.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_139.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_140.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_141.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_142.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_143.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_144.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_145.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_146.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_147.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_148.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_149.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_150.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_151.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_152.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_153.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_154.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_155.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_156.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_157.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_158.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_159.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_160.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_161.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_162.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_163.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_164.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_165.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_166.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_167.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_199.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_200.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_201.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_202.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_203.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_204.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_205.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_206.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\face_207.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_208.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_209.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_210.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_211.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_212.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_213.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_214.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_215.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_216.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_217.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_218.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_219.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_220.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_221.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_222.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_223.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_224.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_225.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_226.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_227.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_228.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_229.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_230.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_231.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_232.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_233.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_234.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\face_235.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = portraits\128\fighter.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\carpenter.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\treasurer.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\cannoner.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\doctor.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\navigator.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128
sTextureName = portraits\128\boatswain.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = face,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = net\netmodes.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = Deathmatch,0,0,64,64
picture = TeamDeathmatch,64,0,128,64
picture = DefendTheConvoy,0,64,64,128
picture = CaptureTheFort,64,64,128,128

sTextureName = BuySellFlags.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = buy,0,0,128,128
picture = sell,128,0,256,128

sTextureName = frendly.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = frendly,0,0,64,64

sTextureName = tooltipback.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64
picture = left,0,0,4,64
picture = right,252,0,256,64
picture = middle,4,0,252,64

sTextureName = items1.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,64,64
picture = itm2,64,0,128,64
picture = itm3,128,0,192,64
picture = itm4,192,0,256,64
picture = itm5,256,0,320,64
picture = itm6,320,0,384,64
picture = itm7,384,0,448,64
picture = itm8,448,0,512,64

picture = itm9,0,64,64,128
picture = itm10,64,64,128,128
picture = itm11,128,64,192,128
picture = itm12,192,64,256,128
picture = itm13,256,64,320,128
picture = itm14,320,64,384,128
picture = itm15,384,64,448,128
picture = itm16,448,64,512,128

picture = itm17,0,128,64,192
picture = itm18,64,128,128,192
picture = itm19,128,128,192,192
picture = itm20,192,128,256,192
picture = itm21,256,128,320,192
picture = itm22,320,128,384,192
picture = itm23,384,128,448,192
picture = itm24,448,128,512,192

picture = itm25,0,192,64,256
picture = itm26,64,192,128,256
picture = itm27,128,192,192,256
picture = itm28,192,192,256,256
picture = itm29,256,192,320,256
picture = itm30,320,192,384,256
picture = itm31,384,192,448,256
picture = itm32,448,192,512,256

picture = itm33,0,256,64,320
picture = itm34,64,256,128,320
picture = itm35,128,256,192,320
picture = itm36,192,256,256,320
picture = itm37,256,256,320,320
picture = itm38,320,256,384,320
picture = itm39,384,256,448,320
picture = itm40,448,256,512,320

; BOAL cards - pack for funny games 13.05.05
sTextureName = card_all.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 1024
picture = hearts_A, 12,52,136,236
picture = diamonds_A,137,52,261,236
picture = clubs_A, 262,52,386,236
picture = spades_A, 387,52,511,236
picture = blank, 512,52,636,236

picture = pack, 659,33,845,235
picture = gold, 890,120,990,220
picture = silver, 890,19,990,119

picture = spades_6, 12,237,136,421
picture = spades_7, 137,237,261,421
picture = spades_8, 262,237,386,421
picture = spades_9, 387,237,511,421
picture = spades_10,512,237,636,421
picture = spades_J, 637,237,761,421
picture = spades_Q, 762,237,886,421
picture = clubs_K, 887,237,1011,421

picture = clubs_6, 12,421,136,605
picture = clubs_7, 137,421,261,605
picture = clubs_8, 262,421,386,605
picture = clubs_9, 387,421,511,605
picture = clubs_10, 512,421,636,605
picture = clubs_J, 637,421,761,605
picture = clubs_Q, 762,421,886,605
picture = spades_K, 887,421,1011,605

picture = diamonds_6, 12,605,136,789
picture = diamonds_7, 137,605,261,789
picture = diamonds_8, 262,605,386,789
picture = diamonds_9, 387,605,511,789
picture = diamonds_10, 512,605,636,789
picture = diamonds_J, 637,605,761,789
picture = diamonds_Q, 762,605,886,789
picture = diamonds_K, 887,605,1011,789

picture = hearts_6, 12,789,136,973
picture = hearts_7, 137,789,261,973
picture = hearts_8, 262,789,386,973
picture = hearts_9, 387,789,511,973
picture = hearts_10, 512,789,636,973
picture = hearts_J, 637,789,761,973
picture = hearts_Q, 762,789,886,973
picture = hearts_K, 887,789,1011,973

sTextureName = card_dice.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 256
picture = cup, 680,43,899,221
picture = dice_1_0, 11,0,103,84
picture = dice_1_1, 11,85,103,169
picture = dice_1_2, 11,169,103,253

picture = dice_2_0, 121,0,213,84
picture = dice_2_1, 121,85,213,169
picture = dice_2_2, 121,169,213,253

picture = dice_3_0, 235,0,327,84
picture = dice_3_1, 235,85,327,169
picture = dice_3_2, 235,169,327,253

picture = dice_4_0, 343,0,435,84
picture = dice_4_1, 343,85,435,169
picture = dice_4_2, 343,169,435,253

picture = dice_5_0, 453,0,545,84
picture = dice_5_1, 453,85,545,169
picture = dice_5_2, 453,169,545,253

picture = dice_6_0, 561,0,653,84
picture = dice_6_1, 561,85,653,169
picture = dice_6_2, 561,169,653,253

picture = dice_fly, 909,162,1013,252

sTextureName = Gold.tga
wTextureWidth = 128
wTextureHeight = 128
picture = Gold,0,0,128,128

sTextureName = icons_spec.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

; character skill icons
picture = FencingLight skill icon,0,0,64,64
picture = fencing skill icon,64,0,128,64
picture = FencingHeavy skill icon,128,0,192,64
picture = pistol skill icon,192,0,256,64
picture = fortune skill icon,256,0,320,64

picture = leadership skill icon,0,64,64,128
picture = sailing skill icon,256,64,320,128
picture = accuracy skill icon,128,64,192,128
picture = cannons skill icon,192,64,256,128
picture = grappling skill icon,384,64,448,128
picture = repair skill icon,320,64,384,128
picture = defence skill icon,448,64,512,128
picture = commerce skill icon,64,64,128,128
picture = sneak skill icon,0,128,64,192

;items icons
picture = weapon button,0,320,64,384
picture = support button,64,320,128,384
picture = maps button,128,320,192,384
picture = variety button,192,320,256,384
picture = questitems button,256,320,320,384
picture = all button,320,320,384,384
picture = selectborder button,383,319,449,385

;menu button
picture = pers button,0,256,64,320
picture = ship button,64,256,128,320
picture = hold button,128,256,192,320
picture = pas button,192,256,256,320
picture = questbook button,256,256,320,320
picture = trade button,320,256,384,320
picture = items button,384,256,448,320
picture = map button,448,256,512,320
picture = nations button,451,320,512,384

picture = exit button,18,207,50,239

picture = ICON_ShipAbordKill,68,384,132,448
picture = ICON_ShipKill,132,384,196,448
picture = ICON_ShipAbord,196,384,259,448
picture = ICON_Fort,258,384,322,448
picture = ICON_TownGrabbing,322,384,385,448
picture = ICON_TownTake,385,384,448,448

picture = SelfTalk,0,64,64,128
picture = CompHero,0,320,64,384

sTextureName = items1.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items2.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items3.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items4.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items5.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items6.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items7.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items8.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items9.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
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picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items10.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
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picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items11.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items12.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
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picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = items13.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = itemsAztec.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 512

picture = itm1,0,0,128,128
picture = itm2,128,0,256,128
picture = itm3,256,0,384,128
picture = itm4,384,0,512,128
picture = itm5,0,128,128,256
picture = itm6,128,128,256,256
picture = itm7,256,128,384,256
picture = itm8,384,128,512,256
picture = itm9,0,256,128,384
picture = itm10,128,256,256,384
picture = itm11,256,256,384,384
picture = itm12,384,256,512,384
picture = itm13,0,384,128,512
picture = itm14,128,384,256,512
picture = itm15,256,384,384,512
picture = itm16,384,384,512,512

sTextureName = slib_ico2.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 256

picture = left_all,0,0,63,63
picture = left,64,0,127,63
picture = right,128,0,191,63
picture = right_all,192,0,255,63

sTextureName = slib_ico1.tga
wTextureWidth = 64
wTextureHeight = 32

picture = ico_0,63,63,63,63
picture = ico_1,0,0,15,32
picture = ico_2,16,0,31,32
picture = ico_3,32,0,52,32
picture = ico_4,63,63,63,63

sTextureName = ..\BATTLE_INTERFACE\land_icon.tga
wTextureWidth = 256
wTextureHeight = 64

picture = locked,13,10,51,54
picture = unlocked,64,0,128,64

sTextureName = icons.tga
wTextureWidth = 512
wTextureHeight = 256

; character state icons
picture = Rank,352,192,384,224
picture = NextExp,384,192,416,224
picture = Money,448,192,480,224
picture = Life,480,224,512,256
picture = Health,288,192,320,224
picture = Energy,32,192,64,224
picture = Reputation,224,192,256,224
picture = weight,160,224,192,256
picture = Title,64,224,96,256
picture = Loyality,64,224,96,256

; ship parameters icons
picture = Class,64,192,96,224
picture = Hull,288,224,320,256
picture = Speed,128,224,160,256
picture = Maneuver,96,224,128,256
picture = Capacity,192,224,224,256
picture = Crew,320,224,352,256
;picture = ship min crew icon,352,224,384,256
picture = Cannons,224,224,256,256
picture = Caliber,256,224,288,256
;picture = ship cost icon,448,192,480,224
picture = Sails,480,192,512,224
;picture = Crew,416,224,448,256
;picture = ship max hp icon,320,192,354,224
picture = AgainstWind,384,192,416,224

sTextureName = PERKS\PERK_ENABLE.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 1024

picture = BasicDefense,0,0,128,128
picture = AdvancedDefense,128,0,256,128
picture = CriticalHit,256,0,384,128
picture = Ciras,384,0,512,128
picture = SwordplayProfessional,512,0,640,128
picture = Grus,640,0,768,128
picture = Rush,768,0,896,128
picture = Tireless,896,0,1024,128

picture = HardHitter,0,128,128,256
picture = BladeDancer,128,128,256,256
picture = Sliding,256,128,384,256
picture = Gunman,384,128,512,256
picture = GunProfessional,512,128,640,256
picture = IronWill,640,128,768,256
picture = SharedExperience,768,128,896,256
picture = Medic,896,128,1024,256

picture = ByWorker,0,256,128,384
picture = ByWorker2,128,256,256,384
picture = Trustworthy,256,256,384,384
picture = ShipEscape,384,256,512,384
picture = FastReload,512,256,640,384
picture = ImmediateReload,640,256,768,384
picture = HullDamageUp,768,256,896,384
picture = SailsDamageUp,896,256,1024,384

picture = CrewDamageUp,0,384,128,512
picture = CriticalShoot,128,384,256,512
picture = LongRangeShoot,256,384,384,512
picture = CannonProfessional,384,384,512,512
picture = LongRangeGrappling,512,384,640,512
picture = MusketsShoot,640,384,768,512
picture = GrapplingProfessional,768,384,896,512
picture = BasicBattleState,896,384,1024,512

picture = AdvancedBattleState,0,512,128,640
picture = ShipDefenseProfessional,128,512,256,640
picture = LightRepair,256,512,384,640
picture = InstantRepair,384,512,512,640
picture = ShipSpeedUp,512,512,640,640
picture = ShipTurnRateUp,640,512,768,640
picture = StormProfessional,768,512,896,640
picture = Turn180,896,512,1024,640

picture = SandbankManeuver,0,640,128,768
picture = SailingProfessional,128,640,256,768
picture = FlagPir,256,640,384,768
picture = FlagEng,384,640,512,768
picture = FlagFra,512,640,640,768
picture = FlagSpa,640,640,768,768
picture = FlagHol,768,640,896,768
picture = Brander,896,640,1024,768

picture = Troopers,0,768,128,896
picture = BasicCommerce,128,768,256,896
picture = AdvancedCommerce,256,768,384,896
picture = Carpenter,384,768,512,896
picture = Builder,512,768,640,896
picture = Doctor1,640,768,768,896
picture = Doctor2,768,768,896,896
picture = SailsMan,896,768,1024,896

picture = WindCatcher,0,896,128,1024
picture = HPPlus,128,896,256,1024
picture = EnergyPlus,256,896,384,1024
picture = 8itm4,384,896,512,1024
picture = 8itm5,512,896,640,1024
picture = 8itm6,640,896,768,1024
picture = 8itm7,768,896,896,1024
picture = 8itm8,896,896,1024,1024

sTextureName = PERKS\PERK_DISABLE.tga
wTextureWidth = 1024
wTextureHeight = 1024

picture = BasicDefense,0,0,128,128
picture = AdvancedDefense,128,0,256,128
picture = CriticalHit,256,0,384,128
picture = Ciras,384,0,512,128
picture = SwordplayProfessional,512,0,640,128
picture = Grus,640,0,768,128
picture = Rush,768,0,896,128
picture = Tireless,896,0,1024,128

picture = HardHitter,0,128,128,256
picture = BladeDancer,128,128,256,256
picture = Sliding,256,128,384,256
picture = Gunman,384,128,512,256
picture = GunProfessional,512,128,640,256
picture = IronWill,640,128,768,256
picture = SharedExperience,768,128,896,256
picture = Medic,896,128,1024,256

picture = ByWorker,0,256,128,384
picture = ByWorker2,128,256,256,384
picture = Trustworthy,256,256,384,384
picture = ShipEscape,384,256,512,384
picture = FastReload,512,256,640,384
picture = ImmediateReload,640,256,768,384
picture = HullDamageUp,768,256,896,384
picture = SailsDamageUp,896,256,1024,384

picture = CrewDamageUp,0,384,128,512
picture = CriticalShoot,128,384,256,512
picture = LongRangeShoot,256,384,384,512
picture = CannonProfessional,384,384,512,512
picture = LongRangeGrappling,512,384,640,512
picture = MusketsShoot,640,384,768,512
picture = GrapplingProfessional,768,384,896,512
picture = BasicBattleState,896,384,1024,512

picture = AdvancedBattleState,0,512,128,640
picture = ShipDefenseProfessional,128,512,256,640
picture = LightRepair,256,512,384,640
picture = InstantRepair,384,512,512,640
picture = ShipSpeedUp,512,512,640,640
picture = ShipTurnRateUp,640,512,768,640
picture = StormProfessional,768,512,896,640
picture = Turn180,896,512,1024,640

picture = SandbankManeuver,0,640,128,768
picture = SailingProfessional,128,640,256,768
picture = FlagPir,256,640,384,768
picture = FlagEng,384,640,512,768
picture = FlagFra,512,640,640,768
picture = FlagSpa,640,640,768,768
picture = FlagHol,768,640,896,768
picture = Brander,896,640,1024,768

picture = Troopers,0,768,128,896
picture = BasicCommerce,128,768,256,896
picture = AdvancedCommerce,256,768,384,896
picture = Carpenter,384,768,512,896
picture = Builder,512,768,640,896
picture = Doctor1,640,768,768,896
picture = Doctor2,768,768,896,896
picture = SailsMan,896,768,1024,896

picture = WindCatcher,0,896,128,1024
picture = HPPlus,128,896,256,1024
picture = EnergyPlus,256,896,384,1024
picture = 8itm4,384,896,512,1024
picture = 8itm5,512,896,640,1024
picture = 8itm6,640,896,768,1024
picture = 8itm7,768,896,896,1024
picture = 8itm8,896,896,1024,1024


Универсальный создатель героев адд-она SLiB
Скрипт создан ALexusB 09.10.04
Путь к файлу \RESOURCE\INI\TEXTS\RUSSIAN\HeroDescribe.txt

версия 02.07.06

hero_qty - количество героев
ps_hero_qty - количество псевдо-героев (могут встретиться как квестовые персонажи в игре, в ПГГ берутся строго персонажы мужского пола)
heroName_Х - имя героя
heroLastname_Х - фамилия героя
heroNameGen_ и heroLastnameGen_ - родительный падеж, heroLastnameDat_ - дательный падеж.
heroFace_Х - номер портрета
heroModel_Х - список моделей через зяпятую без пробелов, может быть меньше, чем полный список, тогда первая возмется
(без брони, легкая, средняя, крутая, золотая, одежда_1, одежда_2, одежда_3)
heroType_Х - тип героя (влияет на стартовые параметры)
значения только: Corsair, Merchant, Adventurer
или (для русской версии)
heroNation_Х - стартовая нация героя (нейтральные отношения)
или (для русской версии)
sex_X - пол (man, woman, skeleton)
animation_X - анимация (man, woman, towngirl)
hero_Х - краткая биография героя (не более 5-7 строк, что бы помещалось в поле текста)
Х - порядковый номер героя в списке

Где что:
Текстуры портретов \RESOURCE\Textures\INTERFACES\PORTRAITS (64, 128, 256)
Скины \RESOURCE\Textures\Characters
Модели \RESOURCE\MODELS\Characters
Анимация головы \RESOURCE\animation\Heads и \RESOURCE\animation\Heads\AN

Обязательно сохраните исходный файл до редактирования. Иначе обновления могут не установится.
Перед установкой верните его на место, установите обновление. После чего повторите настройку своего героя (героев).

С заботой о Вас, ALexusB

Найти выгодный товар на продажу- только половина успеха. Еще нужно не утопить его по пути к клиенту. И забудьте про это "Пиф-Паф-Ой-Ой-Ой",- риск оправдан только в коммерческих делах.
Корсар способен выпить все, что течет, утопить все, что плывет, растратить все, что звенит и убить все, что пищит. Подобные деяния не добавляют любви ближних, но иногда здорово продлевают жизнь.
Авантюристами не рождаются, ими становятся. Неуемная жажда золота и приключений способна завести представителей этой почтенной профессии в такие дыры, где никакая удача не уравняет со смертью в правах на жизнь. Только отцовский мушкет и 24 калибр.

hero_qty {3}
ps_hero_qty {18}

heroName_1 {Питер}
heroNameGen_1 {Питера}
heroNameDat_1 {Питеру}

heroLastname_1 {Блад}
heroLastnameGen_1 {Блада}
heroLastNameDat_1 {Бладу}

heroFace_1 {221}

heroModel_1 {Blood5,Blood5_Cirass,Blood5_Cirass1,Blood5_Cirass 2,Blood5_Cirass3,Blood5,Blood5,Blood5}

heroType_1 {Корсар}

heroNation_1 {Англия}

sex_1 {man}
animation_1 {man}

Этому герою предстоит пройти тяжелейшие испытания, прежде чем стать настоящим морским волком.

heroName_2 {Ян}
heroLastname_2 {Стейс}

heroNameGen_2 {Яна}
heroLastnameGen_2 {Стейса}

heroNameDat_2 {Яну}
heroLastNameDat_2 {Стейсу}

heroFace_2 {215}

heroModel_2 {Hero1,Hero1_Cirass,Hero1_Cirass1,Hero1_Cirass2,He ro1_Cirass3,Hero1,Hero1,Hero1}

heroType_2 {Торговец}

heroNation_2 {Голландия}

sex_2 {man}
animation_2 {man}

Прибыл на Карибы с целью сделать состояние торговлей, некоторое время прослужил наемником в Европе. Впрочем, иногда не брезгует скользким путем добывания вожделенных пиастров.

heroName_3 {Диего}
heroLastname_3 {Эспиноза}

heroNameGen_3 {Диего}
heroLastnameGen_3 {Эспиноза}

heroNameDat_3 {Диего}
heroLastNameDat_3 {Эспиноза}

heroFace_3 {214}

heroModel_3 {Espinosa,Espinosa_Cirass,Espinosa_Cirass1,Espinos a_Cirass2,Espinosa_Cirass3,Espinosa,Espinosa,Espin osa}

heroType_3 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_3 {Испания}

sex_3 {man}
animation_3 {man}

Что дает человеку власть? Деньги и могущество. А что дает человеку возможность все это иметь? Его знания и способности.
Или способности других людей. Умения находить верные решения и страсть к богатству вынудили нашего героя пуститься в увлекательную авантюру на Карибах.

heroName_4 {Майкл}
heroLastname_4 {Чард}

heroNameGen_4 {Майкла}
heroLastnameGen_4 {Чарда}

heroNameDat_4 {Майклу}
heroLastNameDat_4 {Чарду}

heroFace_4 {211}

heroModel_4 {Chard}

heroType_4 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_4 {Англия}

sex_4 {man}
animation_4 {man}


heroName_5 {Ингасио}
heroLastname_5 {Марко}

heroNameGen_5 {Ингасио}
heroLastnameGen_5 {Марко}

heroNameDat_5 {Ингасио}
heroLastNameDat_5 {Марко}

heroFace_5 {212}

heroModel_5 {Chard2}

heroType_5 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_5 {Испания}

sex_5 {man}
animation_5 {man}


heroName_6 {Йохан}
heroLastname_6 {Даринг}

heroNameGen_6 {Йохана}
heroLastnameGen_6 {Даринга}

heroNameDat_6 {Йохану}
heroLastNameDat_6 {Дарингу}

heroFace_6 {213}

heroModel_6 {Chard3}

heroType_6 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_6 {Голландия}

sex_6 {man}
animation_6 {man}


heroName_7 {Горацио}
heroLastname_7 {Хорнблауэр}

heroNameGen_7 {Горацио}
heroLastnameGen_7 {Хорнблауэра}

heroNameDat_7 {Горацио}
heroLastNameDat_7 {Хорнблауэру}

heroFace_7 {220}

heroModel_7 {Youngman}

heroType_7 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_7 {Англия}

sex_7 {man}
animation_7 {man}


heroName_8 {Джон}
heroLastname_8 {Истерлинг}

heroNameGen_8 {Джона}
heroLastnameGen_8 {Истерлинга}

heroNameDat_8 {Джону}
heroLastNameDat_8 {Истерлингу}

heroFace_8 {216}

heroModel_8 {Isterling}

heroType_8 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_8 {Англия}

sex_8 {man}
animation_8 {man}


heroName_9 {Санчос}
heroLastname_9 {Эстебан}

heroNameGen_9 {Санчоса}
heroLastnameGen_9 {Эстебана}

heroNameDat_9 {Санчосу}
heroLastnameDat_9 {Эстебану}

heroFace_9 {30}

heroModel_9 {officer_13}

heroType_9 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_9 {Испания}

sex_9 {man}
animation_9 {man}


heroName_10 {Керк}
heroLastname_10 {Зандер}

heroNameGen_10 {Керка}
heroLastnameGen_10 {Зандера}

heroNameDat_10 {Керку}
heroLastnameDat_10 {Зандеру}

heroFace_10 {31}

heroModel_10 {officer_14}

heroType_10 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_10 {Голландия}

sex_10 {man}
animation_10 {man}


heroName_11 {Альфонсо}
heroLastname_11 {Сальваторе}

heroNameGen_11 {Альфонсо}
heroLastnameGen_11 {Сальваторе}

heroNameDat_11 {Альфонсо}
heroLastnameDat_11 {Сальваторe}

heroFace_11 {32}

heroModel_11 {officer_15}

heroType_11 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_11 {Испания}

sex_11 {man}
animation_11 {man}


heroName_12 {Делвин}
heroNameGen_12 {Делвина}
heroNameDat_12 {Делвину}

heroLastname_12 {Блэйз}
heroLastnameGen_12 {Блэйза}
heroLastNameDat_12 {Блэйзу}

heroFace_12 {1}

heroModel_12 {Devlin}

heroType_12 {Торговец}

heroNation_12 {Голландия}

sex_12 {man}
animation_12 {man}


heroName_13 {Джон}
heroLastname_13 {Сильвер}

heroNameGen_13 {Джона}
heroLastnameGen_13 {Сильвера}

heroNameDat_13 {Джону}
heroLastNameDat_13 {Сильверу}

heroFace_13 {22}

heroModel_13 {officer_5}

heroType_13 {Корсар}

heroNation_13 {Англия}

sex_13 {man}
animation_13 {man}


heroName_14 {Франциск}
heroLastname_14 {Дюбуа}

heroNameGen_14 {Франциска}
heroLastnameGen_14 {Дюбуа}

heroNameDat_14 {Франциску}
heroLastNameDat_14 {Дюбуа}

heroFace_14 {24}

heroModel_14 {officer_7}

heroType_14 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_14 {Франция}

sex_14 {man}
animation_14 {man}


heroName_15 {Артур}
heroLastname_15 {Корнел}

heroNameGen_15 {Артура}
heroLastnameGen_15 {Корнела}

heroNameDat_15 {Артуру}
heroLastNameDat_15 {Корнелу}

heroFace_15 {25}

heroModel_15 {officer_8}

heroType_15 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_15 {Англия}

sex_15 {man}
animation_15 {man}


heroName_16 {Марк}
heroLastname_16 {Вандерборг}

heroNameGen_16 {Марка}
heroLastnameGen_16 {Вандерборга}

heroNameDat_16 {Марку}
heroLastNameDat_16 {Вандерборгу}

heroFace_16 {27}

heroModel_16 {officer_10}

heroType_16 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_16 {Голландия}

sex_16 {man}
animation_16 {man}


heroName_17 {Сесил}
heroLastname_17 {Форестер}

heroNameGen_17 {Сесила}
heroLastnameGen_17 {Форестера}

heroNameDat_17 {Сесилу}
heroLastNameDat_17 {Форестеру}

heroFace_17 {28}

heroModel_17 {officer_11}

heroType_17 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_17 {Англия}

sex_17 {man}
animation_17 {man}


heroName_18 {Хосе}
heroLastname_18 {Даско}

heroNameGen_18 {Хосе}
heroLastnameGen_18 {Даско}

heroNameDat_18 {Хосе}
heroLastNameDat_18 {Даско}

heroFace_18 {26}

heroModel_18 {officer_9}

heroType_18 {Авантюрист}

heroNation_18 {Испания}

sex_18 {man}
animation_18 {man}


Последний раз редактировалось Kenneth MacAlpin; 10.01.2012 в 13:27.
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Август (10.01.2012)